Procurement Services

Procurement Services


We value our role at the university and our position in the community. Our mission is to support the goals and diversity of the university in education, research and public service - by procuring quality goods and services at competitive prices, and by providing responsive and responsible service to all university departments.

We hope to achieve our mission through excellence in customer service, convenient access to responsible suppliers, timely processing of orders and payments, continuous upgrades to systems and processes, and compliance with policies of the Board of Regents and the Code of Iowa.

We respect the tradition of academic excellence by encouraging continuing education and professional development of our staff.

We strive to create and provide a work environment of equality and opportunity by maintaining positive and trusting relationships with our suppliers.

The University is committed to socially and environmentally responsible purchasing consistent with the values in our strategic plan. We expect high quality in the products, services and business practices of all business partners. This commitment enjoys broad support on campus.

We subscribe to the Code of Ethics of  the National Association of Educational Procurement.

Procurement Standards

The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) Procurement Services implemented Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards effective July 1, 2018 for all purchases using federal funds. UNI has received authorization from the US Office of Grants and Acquisition Policy and Accountability to retain a micro-purchase threshold at $50,000 which is in accordance to University Guidelines and Procedures